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HubSpot's Quoting Process

Automated quoting process with DoPricer CPQ + HubSpot

Eliminate the manual work in your HubSpot Quoting Process

The manual process of generating quotes can be a significant bottleneck in your sales workflow, slowing down the sales cycle and increasing the likelihood of errors. By integrating DoPricer CPQ with HubSpot, you can automate various tasks, significantly reduce manual work, and streamline your quoting process.

Automated Calculations

Manual calculations for discounts and totals can be time-consuming and prone to errors. DoPricer CPQ offers automated calculations, allowing you to set up pre-defined discounts and automatic totals. This means your sales team no longer has to spend valuable time doing manual math. With automation, calculations are instant and error-free, ensuring that every quote is accurate and consistent.

Seamless Data Integration

One of the major pain points in manual quoting is the need to constantly input and verify product information, pricing, and customer data. This process is not only tedious but also highly susceptible to mistakes. DoPricer CPQ seamlessly integrates with HubSpot, making all necessary data readily available within the HubSpot platform. This integration ensures that your product details, pricing structures, and customer information are accurate and up-to-date, eliminating the need for repetitive data entry and reducing the risk of errors.

Real-Time Updates

In a fast-paced sales environment, prices can change frequently. Keeping up with these changes manually can lead to outdated quotes and lost sales opportunities. DoPricer addresses this issue by providing real-time updates. Any changes in pricing are instantly reflected in the system, ensuring that your quotes are always based on the latest information. This real-time capability not only enhances accuracy but also boosts the confidence of your sales team, as they can trust that the prices they are quoting are current.

Centralized Quoting Hub

Traditional quoting processes often rely on spreadsheets, which can be cumbersome and error-prone. Spreadsheets require constant manual updates and can easily lead to inconsistencies and mistakes. DoPricer CPQ replaces these spreadsheets with a centralized quoting hub within HubSpot. This centralized system allows your team to manage all quotes from a single, streamlined platform, improving efficiency and reducing the likelihood of errors.

Benefits of Using DoPricer with HubSpot

Save Time

By automating routine tasks, DoPricer frees up your sales reps to focus on more strategic activities, such as building relationships with clients and closing deals. The time saved from manual calculations, data entry, and spreadsheet management can be redirected towards more productive efforts, enhancing the overall efficiency of your sales process.

Reduce Errors

Manual processes are inherently prone to mistakes. By eliminating manual price lookups and data entry, DoPricer ensures that your quotes are accurate and reliable. This reduction in errors not only improves the quality of your quotes but also builds trust with your clients, as they can be confident in the accuracy of the information you provide.

Boost Efficiency

Generating quotes quickly and accurately allows your sales team to respond to inquiries faster, giving them a competitive edge. With DoPricer, the time-consuming aspects of quoting are streamlined, enabling your team to pursue more sales opportunities and close deals more efficiently.

Improve Customer Satisfaction

A faster, more accurate quoting process enhances the customer experience. Clients appreciate timely and precise quotes, and the professionalism demonstrated by your efficient processes can lead to increased satisfaction and loyalty. By improving the speed and accuracy of your quoting, DoPricer helps you create a positive impression with your customers.

Real-World Example

Consider a sales team that previously spent hours manually calculating discounts and compiling quotes in spreadsheets. This process was slow, error-prone, and hindered their ability to focus on closing deals. After implementing DoPricer CPQ, they established pre-defined discount structures, eliminating the need for manual lookups. Product information and customer data became readily available within HubSpot, streamlining the process. Real-time updates ensured they always quoted the latest prices. This transformation saved time, eliminated manual work, and allowed the team to focus on building relationships and closing deals faster.

Check out the Rivertrace Case Study here

Ready to Ditch the Spreadsheets?

Transform your quoting process by signing up for a DoPricer CPQ free trial today via the HubSpot Marketplace. Experience the benefits of automated quoting in HubSpot and see how it can revolutionize your sales workflow. With DoPricer CPQ, you can eliminate manual work, reduce errors, and significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of your quoting process.


Book a chat with Pete Nicholls to discuss your unique quoting needs